Jadual 1-40 minggu |
First day Period (LMP) |
Last day Period |
Approximate Conception Date (+/- 2 days) |
End of Week 1 from Conception. Egg embeds into Uterine wall. |
End of Week 3 from Conception. Positive home pregnancy test. |
End of Week 4. Confirmation with Gynecologist . |
End of Week 5. First physical signs. Enlarging & painful breasts. |
End of Week 6. In some countries, first scan. |
End of Week 7. First blood tests to check immunities. |
End of Week 8. Stomach shows a little... but just a little. |
End of Week 9. The heart is going at 130-150 beats per minute. |
End of Week 10. Normal first scan |
End of Week 11. Check local laws - official papers needed now. |
End of Week 12. Moving into second trimester |
End of Week 13. Time for the 'triple test' |
End of Week 14. All systems in place |
End of Week 15. The first hairs arrive! |
End of Week 16. Uterus is about 16 cm. |
End of Week 17. First movements of baby may be felt. |
End Week 18. Buy the book of names. It helps with the waiting. |
End of Week 19. Half way there |
End of Week 20. Baby is half of the size it will be at birth. |
End of Week 21. Normal second scan. (Can discover sex of baby!) |
End of Week 22. Enjoy this bit.. |
End of Week 23. Your baby begins to remember things! |
End of Week 24. About 30cm long and 650g in weight. |
End of Week 25. Into third trimester |
End of Week 26. Explosion in mother's size. Baby has more needs! |
End of Week 27. Eyelids split apart. Baby can see things! |
End of Week 28. Baby begins to take over your lives. |
End of Week 29. Maybe breast milk is produced. |
End of Week 30. Back pains and tiredness. Be glad to stop work soon. |
End of Week 31. Normal third scan. |
End of Week 32. Baby moves more. Can feel every body shift or kick! |
End of Week 33. Don't get anxious yet! Time enough for that later. |
End of Week 34. Prepare that suitcases for the hospital. |
End of Week 35. Baby can descend. The first signs... |
End of Week 36. Rate of growth slows, but still things get bigger... |
End of Week 37. All organs mature, except lungs that need a little more. |
End of Week 38. (266 Days from Conception) - Estimated birth date |
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